In Stock Trading and Investing Course, you will learn the same techniques Larry Williams has been using for over 25 years, stable and time tested. You will learn: Market timing system & bull market indicator, His 3 best individual stock selection techniques and His exclusive indicator of when to expect major bear markets.
This chart shows the performance back to 1988 based on my historical research of the three strategies you will learn. The red line at the bottom shows what would have happened if you invested in the Dow Jones 30, an approach that usually performs better than most mutual funds. The orange, blue, and green lines are the historical results of the three strategies I will teach you, all of which knocked the socks off the Dow.
Author’s Introduction:
You will learn when to invest in stocks, the best stocks to buy, and when to sell. But that’s not all… You will learn how I trade stocks:
- Just as in futures trading, conditions move stocks. I teach you those conditions.
- You will learn what stocks are under intense – professional – accumulation and distribution. That’s what sets up the explosive moves.
- I will teach you market structure.
- I will teach you a mechanical trading strategy with 3 simple rules.