Cycle Sniper is not a holy grail but when you use it in a system which is explained in the videos, you will feel the difference.
If you are not willing to focus on the charts designed with Cycle Sniper and other free tools we provide, we recommend not buying this indicator.
We recommend watching the videos about the indiactor and system before purchasing.
Cycle Sniper focuses on the present. It tries to analyze what will happen in the future, not what happened in the past.
We offer a full trading system completed with our free indicators..
If you close the chart or change the timeframe, you may see some of the markings redrawn.
After twenty years of experience in the markets and three years of hard work – coding, backtesting -, Cycle Sniper is ready!
Cycle indicators are oscillating indicators that can be used to analyze market cycles. According to cycle theory, markets have a tendency to move in cyclical patterns from periods of bullishness to periods of bearishness and back to periods of bullishness.
These cycles are repeated with a regularity that allows them to be used to anticipate price changes at key cyclical intervals. However, shorter cycles are present in shorter time frames with smaller cycles operating within larger cycles. It is this phenomenon that makes cycle analysis difficult as at any moment shorter cycle may be moving upward while the larger cycle is moving downward.